Working Groups
Proposal Form

Working Group Project Proposal Form

This form submits an application to modify, create, or withdraw a 3-A Standard or Accepted Practice. Your request will be reviewed by the 3-A Steering Committee for approval. After your request is processed, you will be informed whether or not it has been forwarded to the appropriate Working Group.

What type of project are you proposing? *
Optional: If you are altering an existing standard or accepted practice, please indicate which the number.
Optional: If you are proposing a new standard of accepted practice, explain the purpose and scope of your submission.
Add a statement on the rationale / necessity of this project. Include any points about the benefit of the standard you are submitting. *
Submit as an American National Standard (ANSI)? *
Patent(s) pending? *
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PH 703.790.0295   |   FX 703.761.6284